Sunday, December 20, 2009

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim

My perception of Obama has somewhat changed after watching this vid.


  1. Salaam sis, is this video very recent? Is it true he is Islam and what he said is not merely empty words?

    Politics seriously ruins relationships and bonds. Sighh...

  2. Salaam dear Sis,

    Lol we shouldn't be bothered about this issue. This video is a compilation of many clips so it may fool us. And lol, one of the clip was from Fox News, the news channel no one should watch. It is full of hatred for Islam and they do as they wish.

    This man is calling for more troops to Afghanistan. It may be that he is calling out to the Muslims to trust him. Well people always have their agenda. Allaah knows best. And you what, I saw a related video on youtube titled "Does Obama fulfill Muslim prophecy?" LOL LOL LOL

  3. LOL... a bit of editing to my comment above, I didn't finish off my sentence...

    So yea, what does that say about Obama calling for more troops to Afghanistan? They obviously have to end the war in Iraq because the start of the war in Iraq was a mistake and they are fully aware of it. So then next move is of course focus fully on Afghanistan.

    A video you may want to watch:

  4. Salam sisters,

    @ Zee: Obama is not muslim although he kept tripping on his words about being a muslim when he spoke about his faith. In fact, he is a Christian according to him. I posted the videos because I am surprised at what he said..Just for your own knowledge, the vid was made by a non-muslim so he can't possibly be biased.

    @Constant Searching: It's true, Allah knows best what's in their hearts. It's difficult to know their agendas but time will tell what they are planning.
