Friday, November 20, 2009

FB pages..

Do you know what's silly?

I keep seeing our own muslims having this application on fb: 'God wants you to know' and it posts daily quotes or reminders. Now, I know it is not haraam to receive meaningful lessons but I find it ridiculous when the Glorious Qu'ran is enough to be your reminder for the rest of your life...and if you were to browse through the application, it actually has a strong Christian influence...

so hmm.. why do we need this again?

Applications that I like on fb:

1) I love Allah - Daily quotes taken from the Qu'ran for you to ponder along with good articles to read.
2) Hadith of the Day
3) The Ideal Muslimah - I personally like this page because of the articles.
4) Best Qu'ran recitation - This saves me the trouble from having to spend hours on youtube for beautiful recitations.

So there you go!


  1. Assalamualaikum Ms. R,
    Yes... I've seen it too. Maybe our sisters are just ignorant about it and just using the application without checking further the source of it.
    What boggles my mind is a lot of our sisters like to play all kind of games in FB which sometimes have lucid pictures and quotes about sex etc. I've stopped playing farmville since last month after I saw that the same co that make the game also made a poker game. I'm not gonna be their counterpart anymore.
    Better check all those games and applications before playing or using them.

  2. wa alaikom salaam ws wrb kakchik,

    ye sis, I reckon it'll do them some good if they actually check first. But anyway, there are so many applications to choose from, why that ye?

    Ahh.. I didnt know about farmville! Ok lol, I keep thinking hey this game looks good but would never have checked that they belong to the same co. Thanks for the heads up sis!

  3. salam=) i so agree with u and for a sec, i feels like telling them to stop esp when choosing applications bout their horoscopes..argh..erm..can we be frens on fb? you can add me thru my blog..ok..wassalam=)

  4. wa alaikom salaam sis,

    Ok, I'll add you insha Allah ;)
