Saturday, November 21, 2009

Salam alaikom,

I was up till 3am trying to make a video log last night but after creating one (out of so many videos!) that I was satisfied with, it turned out to be upside down on youtube. lol! I will try again insha Allah but I think I sound a bit strange on video : (

Anyway, I will be away for a few days so... I just hope the other 3 sisters will update something :p


  1. I know how frustrating it can be when you make videos for Youtube and they don't work out the way you planned! Keep up the good work!

  2. Salam alaikom my sister :)

    I don't know if I'd actually make another vid of myself. I wish I can just post the vid here without having to go through youtube first :( I don't like many people watching it that's why.. :)

  3. "I don't like many people watching it that's why.. :)"

    Download your video from Youtube (using and upload it on your blogger. Hope that helps.

  4. @ sis sacrifice: thanks a lot sis! :) I actually figured out a way to make vids without having to upload elsewhere.. wordpress! hehe..
